The Most High-Yield MCAT Topics

Written and edited by the MCAT Self Prep Tutoring Team

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Are some concepts more important than others? 

Learning every single MCAT concept perfectly would take someone hundreds of years. Think about it, people spend entire Ph.D. programs studying a single enzyme! Since you don’t have hundreds of years to prepare for the MCAT, you are going to need to prioritize your studying of certain concepts over others. These topics, as well as building the perfect study schedule will help maximize the hours ahead.

How can I find out which concepts are the most important? 

The AAMC acknowledges that not every concept is created equal, and has released a website that outlines their content in a hierarchical nature. Now, to thoroughly read through this entire website would take up hours and hours of your precious study time. If you want even more in-depth explanations of every concept, consider checking out! At the start, we recommend using MCAT prep books or Khan Academy videos to work through all of the content and create flashcards for self-testing. For this reason, you should just look at a brief overview of each section. An important part to pay attention to is the section breakdown, which tells you what percent of each subject category you should expect to see in that section. For instance, in the Biology/Biochemistry section, you should only expect to see a few organic chemistry questions because they only constitute 5 percent of that section. Therefore, it might not be the best use of your time to study organic chemistry for Biology/Biochemistry and instead focus on concepts that appear often like Michaelis-Menten kinetics. I’ve actually created an entire course and Quizlet set devoted to only the highest-yield MCAT topics. These topics would be perfect to review in the weeks leading up to your exam.

Consider starting with an overview of other concepts that we have written about in other study tips:

  1. How to Memorize Equations for the MCAT
  2. 4 Things to do to Conquer Behavioral Sciences
  3. 3 Essential Classes to Take For the MCAT
  4. MCAT Equations – Should I Memorize Them?
  5. How to Remember MCAT Material
  6. What to Memorize for the MCAT
  7. What Topics Does the MCAT Cover?

What else can I do to better prioritize my study time? 

The best thing you can do to help yourself stay focused on what is most important is to study with someone who has already done extremely well on the MCAT. Our 97th percentile tutors can help you make a study plan that is extremely focused and personalized, allowing you to make the most of every minute of study time. They will also follow up with you periodically to help you fine-tune your study skills and study plan. Don’t wait to schedule your first tutoring session!

Warm regards,

Andrew George

The Most High-Yield MCAT Topics MCAT Self PrepThe Most High-Yield MCAT Topics MCAT Self Prep

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The Most High-Yield MCAT Topics MCAT Self Prep The Most High-Yield MCAT Topics MCAT Self Prep The Most High-Yield MCAT Topics MCAT Self Prep The Most High-Yield MCAT Topics MCAT Self Prep