Inside Look at my 99th Percentile MCAT Study Plan Spreadsheet

Written and edited by the MCAT Self Prep Tutoring Team

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How I made my MCAT study schedule template

Many of my private tutoring students have requested to see the MCAT study plan spreadsheet that I personally used as I worked towards attaining my 99th percentile MCAT score. The ones that I have shown it to found it beneficial to see how I organized my studying. I hope you find it to be just as helpful!

Since studying for the MCAT, I have studied countless experiences of students who scored above the 95th percentile. I took what I learned and created my Free MCAT Prep Course, and a much better, more advanced Study Plan Spreadsheet:

If you have any questions about these resources, please be sure and reach out. I am here to help!

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Warm regards,

Andrew  George

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