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Premium Elite Tutoring
While all our Elite Tutors are exceptional, what makes our Premium Elite Tutors unique is their experience helping their students get the results they want.
Proven Expertise
Premium Elite Tutors have demonstrated a consistent ability to help their students improve.
True Satisfaction
Each of the 10+ testimonials collected by our Premium Elite Tutors is proof to their ability to satisfy their students.
Valuable Perspective
Having worked with many diverse students, they know how to achieve success in a variety of circumstances.
Our Premium Elite Tutors
Click learn more below to view each tutor’s 10+ student testimonials. You can choose the exact tutor you’d like to work with or we can assign one to you based on your unique responses to a detailed questionnaire after your purchase.
Emily scored a 523 on test day and is a fourth year medical student at the University of Virginia. She wrote and edited our AAMC styled quizzes and can teach you how to approach any CARS passage, science experiment, or application question!
Ellery earned a 526 after using our Advanced Pro Plan! She also has a diverse educational background, with religious studies enhancing her CARS skills, molecular biology aiding science sections, and her work as a high school biology teacher honing her teaching!
Dalton used MCAT Self Prep to achieve a 100th percentile MCAT score, including perfect scores in Chemistry/Physics and Behavioral Sciences. He also has a wealth of experience tutoring and running volunteer education programs, so he’s seen it all and can help!
Denisse scored a 526 by reading our Free Study Tips and using our E-course and Question of the Day videos. As a neuroscience expert, she’s incorporated all 3 science sections into her research, and is great at teaching any concept and passage reading!
A Program that Works!
“I would highly recommend Andrew over ANY prep course – you will get personalized assistance and someone that really wants to see you do your best!” Read more.
“If anyone is planning on taking the MCAT, I recommend using MCAT Self Prep; it has awesome resources and tutors who go above and beyond for you.” Read more.
“Grace is an amazing tutor. I started out with a sub-495 score on the MCAT and saw a 26-POINT IMPROVEMENT in the span of 8 months, working with her. During this time, I was juggling other full-time commitments such as graduate school and extracurriculars, and Grace helped me balance all these tasks and still adequately study for this exam.
Grace breaks down each passage regardless of section really well. For example, I struggled with CARS the most, especially regarding timing and understanding the passage. Grace read passages with me and demonstrated strategies that I could use to obtain a better score on this hard section. My score was below 40 percentile and shot up to 90 percentile on test day. I also scored in the highest percentile for the CASPer exam, and I would like to thank Grace for her direction and instruction regarding this test. She also understands how difficult and anxiety-inducing this test can be and can empathize quite well with these struggles. She is an amazing tutor, and I would recommend her to anyone, especially those who started with a really low score like me.”
“Denisse is an excellent tutor and I would recommend her to anyone looking to improve their score on the MCAT! She came prepared to every session, knew the material inside and out, and provided excellent guidance for adjusting my study plan. Whenever I felt like I was falling behind in my study plan, Denisse would help me figure out how to best maximize the time I had left. With Denisse’s help, I improved my MCAT score seven points from my first attempt and felt more confident applying to medical school. I highly recommend both Denisse and the MCAT Self-Prep program for MCAT preparation.”
Best Prep, Best Price
Our prices cannot be beat. While other companies charge as much as $4,099 for a 10-session package ($410 per session) with a barely-90th percentile tutor, tutoring with our 520+ Elite Tutors starts at just $149 per session! Other companies charge as much as $14,999 for a 28-session package ($469 per session) with one of their head tutors, but meeting with our Head Tutor starts at just $399 per session! We are so confident you won’t find a better price that we stand behind our Lowest Price Guarantee.
Premium Elite MCAT Tutoring Packages
Simply checkout with the tutoring package that works for you, and then we will quickly match you to a qualified tutor based on your unique responses to a detailed questionnaire or get you in touch with the tutor of your choosing.
1 Tutoring Session
- Recommended for:
- Students simply in need of a customized study plan.
- Students who want to pay as they go.
- Students looking to try it out before committing to a larger package.
5 Tutoring Sessions
- Recommended for:
- Students needing help with a single weak area.
- Students on a very tight financial budget.
- Students looking for a boost during their final month of MCAT studying.
10 Tutoring Sessions
- Recommended for:
- Students needing extra help with a single weak area.
- Students on a tight financial budget.
- Students looking for a significant boost during their final month of MCAT studying.
20 Tutoring Sessions
- Recommended for:
- Students needing help with several weak areas.
- Students struggling to make score improvements.
- Students wanting to follow up with a tutor regularly (i.e. weekly).
40 Tutoring Sessions
- Recommended for:
- Students needing extra help with several weak areas.
- Students really struggling to make score improvements.
- Students wanting to follow up with a tutor regularly (i.e. biweekly).
Frequently Asked Questions
What are sessions like?
Each Elite Tutoring session will include the following:
- Meticulous Preparation. Before the session even starts, your tutor will look through your Study Portal as they prepare an individualized lesson plan.
- Pivotal Adjustments. At the beginning of each hourlong session, your Premium Elite Tutor will examine your progress and help you adjust your study plan using the Study Plan Spreadsheet.
- Individualized Training. Your Premium Elite Tutor will spend the bulk of the session focused on teaching you the strategies and content that address your exact needs.
What materials will I receive as part of this tutoring program?
Tutoring, you will receive immediate and free access to all of the following:
- Our MCAT Video Collection, which covers ALL the MCAT topics as listed by the AAMC.
- All ten of our online content modules (Biology I, Physics II, etc) as well as MCAT Bootcamp with customization.
- Create-your-own Study Plan Course, which includes our Create-your-own Study Plan Spreadsheet and Score Tracker.
I need help with the CARS section. Can an Elite Tutor help me with that?
Yes! Our Elite Tutors are trained to help you with every section of the MCAT.
How often will I meet with a tutor? How does scheduling a session work?
Is there any way to meet in person with my tutor?
How do I start meeting with a tutor?
To start meeting with your tutor, simply add Elite Tutoring to your cart, and complete the checkout process. Afterwards, you will receive an immediate confirmation email with detailed instructions for getting started.
You can immediately start our Create-your-own Study Plan Course, which will walk you through developing a rough draft study plan using the Study Plan Spreadsheet.
After that, you can schedule your first at your convenience so that you can discuss your study plan with one of our Elite Tutors in a one-on-one setting.
Can a tutor help me with my study plan?
Our Elite Tutors’ primary focus is on helping you know what and how to study in order to achieve MCAT success. They understand that having an effective study plan is the number one determining factor regarding whether you will reach your goal MCAT score. For this reason, they will focus on helping you develop and follow a customized study plan unique to your needs. They all scored in the 97th+ percentile using the MCAT Self Prep Program, so they know what it takes to achieve MCAT success.
Can I defer my payment or pay in increments over time?
Yes! Simply select affirm pay over time at checkout to customize your payment plan with affirm. In some cases, affirm can decline users from using their pay-over-time service. If this happens, you can shoot me a message, and we’ll get you set up with a personalized monthly payment plan that will suit your financial needs. If you have questions or need to make changes to your affirm payment plan, you can contact affirm here. For non-affirm, custom payment plans, contact us.
Will Tutoring help me during my final month of MCAT studying?
Yes! The final month of studying is actually the best time to take advantage of Elite Tutoring. You will be doing many full-length practice exams during your final month, and your Elite Tutor can review the toughest passages and questions with you. Study Plan Advising is also extremely helpful as you try to decide what and how to study during the final month. Students find that working with someone who has already conquered the exam to be very reassuring during the most stressful period of studying.
Request a Free Consultation
Simply fill out the form below to request a free 10-minute phone consultation with one of our tutors. They’ll be in touch shortly.