Physics Question Pack, Passage 1
Passage where we visualize and diagram out two systems to compare. We use some math tricks and unit conversions to help answer questions.
Sample Test, Psychology/Sociology, Passage 1
Passage where critical thinking plays a big role when reading the passage and helps with answering the questions. Workshopped figure main ideas.
Sample Test, Chemistry/Physics, Passage 5
Passage where finding the main idea and analyzing figures helps answer most questions, and an in-depth experiment analysis in the questions portion.
Section Bank, Biology/Biochemistry, Passage 3
Text-only passage with our focus on making predictions, using topic sentences to guide our reading, main idea finding, and careful reading of the questions.
Biology Question Pack, Volume 1, Passage 4
Unique passage that is dominated by an eight-step figure. We discuss how to approach large figures and prioritize timing.
Passage with an in-depth analysis of p-values and their significance in evaluating data, along with linking and following argument logic.
Passage without figures focused on purpose finding, using this as we go sentence-by-sentence through the passage and one of the questions in particular.
Passage where we spent time drawing out table data for comparisons and making inferences and predictions early on.
Passage where we focus on making predictions and inferences at different points of the passage and understanding complex tables.
Passage where we focus on summarizing and synthesizing passage information and being deliberate with how we answer questions.
Passage where multiple forms of visualization are used to synthesize the passage information and best understand the complex figures.
Passage where we paired purpose finding and making inferences and predictions to best practice comprehension monitoring while reading.
Passage where we used recognizing text structures for interpreting experimental designs, including finding the independent and dependent variables and finding flaws in proposed experiments.
Passage requiring recognizing text structures and linking between the multiple follow-up and the main experiment.
Passage describing a novel experimental technique that required comprehension monitoring and purpose finding to properly understand the experimental design.
Lots of practice using background information and previewing on this memory-focused passage.
Another passage without figures and using diagramming to track the factors being tested and their results. WARNING: My microphone cuts out for about 2 minutes during a question, but I go back and re-cover that question immediately after.
Passage without figures posing challenges on how to track experimental design and results logically. Questions highlight the importance of synthesizing content knowledge with passage information.
Biology passage that required linking from figures to text both before and after the figure. Also includes analysis of what type of questions to make predictions for before reading answers.
Chemistry passage that showed the importance of predicting as we read and spending time analyzing undiagrammed reactions. Ends with very difficult questions and diagramming those to understand their logic.
Behavioral sciences passage with a focus on recognizing text structure to make more informed predictions, improve main idea finding, and interpret groups of experiments.
Chemistry passage focused on taking the key takeaways from passages and applying them to difficult questions.
Great biology passage to practice linking figures to text and make predictions as we read.
Great physics passage to practice on. Reveals the important of text-image linking, background knowledge, and memorizing the equations.
Very tough passage. Great for practicing diagramming and learning research protocols.
A very tough passage that requires strong background knowledge. Great one for practicing those graph interpretation skills.
This passage goes to show how important it is to nail down every detail of the content.
Very tough passage that requires diagramming and careful analysis of the graphs.
Great session with an emphasis on diagramming confusing paragraphs and interpreting very challenging graphs!
Official Guide Questions, Chemistry/Physics Passage 4, Questions 15 – 19
This was a trial run session to gauge interest in weekly Live Strategy Sessions. Let’s just say everyone seemed to like it. 🙂