
Our Free eCourse includes access to all of the following and more!

10 Content Modules

Learn all the content as outlined by the AAMC using our 150 easy-to-complete lessons.

Video Collection

Our eCourse features 300+ hours of video content that can be watched at 2x the speed!


Personalized Support

You can submit a message and get a fast, direct, and personalized response from our CEO.

Study Tips

The hardest part about the MCAT is knowing how to prepare. Our MCAT tips will keep you on track.

MCAT Question of the Day

Our daily MCAT practice questions come complete with video explanations, keeping your MCAT skills sharp.

Facebook Study Group

Self studying doesn’t have to mean studying alone. Find study buddies, get advice, and have fun.

Course Overview

MCAT Prep Course - Launchpad

MCAT Launchpad

6 Lessons

During this free session with Head Tutor Andrew, you’ll learn 6 Keys to Earning a Top MCAT Score, the 5 Essential Elements of an Effective Study Plan, 12 Tips for Taking the Best MCAT Study Notes, and more! Andrew will also provide you with a detailed overview of the Free MCAT Prep Course, teaching you how to get started. You’ll want to attend this right away!

MCAT Prep Course - Best MCAT Prep Course Free - MCAT Tutor

10 Content Modules

150 Lessons

The 10 Content Modules contain all the content you need to learn in order to succeed. Each module contains 15 lessons, resulting in a grand total of 150. Each lesson successfully integrates the very best preparation materials such as the Khan Academy video collection, AK lectures, the Kaplan and Princeton Content Books, and more!

MCAT Prep Course - Best MCAT Prep Course Free - MCAT Tutor

MCAT Bootcamp

30 Lessons

You will complete MCAT Bootcamp during the final month before you take the MCAT. This module requires hard work and diligence as you do a quick yet thorough review of everything you learned during the Content Modules while taking two full length practice exams per week leading up to your test date, by which time, you’ll feel 100-percent confident and ready.

Welcome to MCAT Self Prep!

“The motivation to create the MCAT Self Prep eCourse came from my own experience in preparing for the MCAT. While most of my friends were spending thousands on a prep course, I decided to study on my own. I quickly learned that there are many prep materials out there, but there is little verified information regarding which ones are the most effective and how to use them in an organized study plan. After scoring in the 99th percentile using my own study plan, I conducted a thorough analysis of other students who had achieved high scores, took what I learned, and created this free eCourse. Since the creation of this program, several students have followed it to achieve 100th percentile MCAT scores. I hope you accomplish the same as you utilize this eCourse, and please feel free to reach out with any questions along the way. I am always here to help.”

MCAT Prep Course - Andrew George MCAT Self Prep

Andrew George

Founder, CEO, and Head Tutor of MCAT Self Prep.


Percentile MCAT Score


Years of MCAT Tutoring Experience


Staff Tutors with 520+ MCAT Score


5 Star Google Reviews

Frequently Asked Questions

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Is this really free?

Yes! Our eCourse is 100-percent FREE! Our Free eCourse includes the MCAT Launchpad, MCAT Bootcamp, our 10 Content Modules, Weekly MCAT Study Tips, MCAT Questions of the Day, our Facebook Study Group, and much more! All of this is available to you completely free of charge.

How can it be free!?

We will be completely honest with you — maintaining a high-quality website, especially one which allows users to make their own account and track their study progress, is not cheap. MCAT Self Prep is also a source of income for those who work to make it the best MCAT prep option out there. In order to pay the bills, so to speak, we offer account upgrades in the form of affordable Pro Plans, Premium Strategy Course, and Elite Private Tutoring Packages. These are completely optional, but many students have found them to be extremely useful in boosting their MCAT score.

What makes MCAT Self Prep better than an alternative?

MCAT Self Prep is built on a solid foundation of research concerning how students have achieved 95th+ percentile MCAT scores on the new MCAT. Our research revealed that students who achieve MCAT success use a wide-variety of resources and center their studying around the practice problems produced by the AAMC, the writers of the actual MCAT. Other programs will tell you to use their resources and have you center your studying around only those. In contrast, we help you study in the best way possible by focusing all your study efforts around increasing your scores on the AAMC practice problems. We do this by organizing a wide-variety of study resources into a single organized prep course that students love. We are confident that you will love it too!

What should I expect as I start the free eCourse?

Step-by-step guidance from day one. Here is what Jonathan had to say the day after he started using our eCourse: “I want to thank you for creating such a wonderful, straightforward program. I stumbled on the MCAT self prep website amidst searching for answers on what type of test prep is best for the MCAT. Your website and course is so honest and easy to follow I had to keep refreshing the page to make sure it wasn’t fake! Thank you so much!” We get comments like this from new students all the time!

How do I get started?

To start studying right away, simply click here and create your free account. From there, you should complete the MCAT Launchpad, which will give you a clear overview of the eCourse, teach you how to attain a top MCAT score, and help you decide what materials to use. After that, feel free to start studying away! 🙂

If you have a unique situation, have a lot of questions, or are looking for a confirmation that you are making the right purchase, you will likely benefit from consultation with our Head Tutor, Andrew George. He has worked one-on-one with hundreds of diverse students and will carefully consider your unique situation as he provides a careful recommendation and answers your questions.