3 Ways to Maximize Your Thanksgiving Break

Written and edited by the MCAT Self Prep Tutoring Team

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For most people, Holiday vacations mean taking a break from school and doing something fun. For students who are in school while studying for the MCAT, however, getting time off from school is a great time to ramp up your MCAT studies. In this week’s MCAT tip, I’m going to outline 3 simple things that you can do this Thanksgiving break to get a (turkey) leg up on the MCAT.

1. Finalize Your MCAT Study Plan

The first thing you can do is to finalize your study plan. Thanksgiving break is no time to feel anxious and planning is one of the best ways to decrease stress. With an MCAT study plan in your back pocket, you will feel confident about your ability to get a top MCAT score. My Create-your-own Study Plan Course will set you up with a customizable, individualized study plan based on your unique needs. Many students find that meeting with one of our elite tutors after finishing this course is the perfect way to put the finishing touches on their study plan. You will want to feel confident that you are on the path to getting a stellar score.

2. Increase Your MCAT Studies

Another thing you can do if you are normally busy with school is to get in some extra hours of studying. Spending time with your family and friends during the Holidays is most definitely important, but if you are serious about getting a top score, you will need to make some sacrifices. When I was studying for the MCAT I was extremely busy with school, volunteering, shadowing, and working a part-time job. I am sure most of you can relate to this situation. During my holiday breaks, I made sure to get in some extra studying without fully sacrificing my family and friends. I decided to wake up at six o’clock and study for 3 to 5 hours every morning. Then I would be fully available for my family and friends for the rest of the day. These study hours were crucial in my long-term effort in attaining a 99th percentile MCAT score.

A great thing to do during holiday breaks is to take advantage of travel time. Even if you are staying home for the holidays, people tend to travel more during their vacations. And whether you are on a flight or watching a movie with your family, you can maximize this time for MCAT studying. During my winter break, my family and I went on a ski trip. I took my notecards in the car with me and used this time to review the concepts that I had studied during my study session that morning. By upgrading to our Advanced Pro Plan, you will gain access to over 5,000 Quizlet practice problems that you can do from your smartphone. It is the perfect way to spend a little extra time working your way towards a top MCAT score during your holiday break.

3. Look out for Black Friday Sales

If you are planning to purchase materials for the MCAT but haven’t already, look out for upcoming sales for Black Friday. Most people start thinking about the MCAT around this time, so prep companies will try to incentivize you to buy their material. Whether it’s prep books or practice exams, be sure to keep your eyes open for potential savings. Who knows…  Some of our tutoring packages may end up on sale as well!

No matter how you decide to spend your Thanksgiving Break, I hope you have a wonderful time with your family and friends. Life will only get busier, and precious moments with those we loved are priceless. May we all have a very special time this holiday season.

Warm regards,

Andrew George

3 Ways to Maximize Your Thanksgiving Break MCAT Self Prep3 Ways to Maximize Your Thanksgiving Break MCAT Self Prep

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3 Ways to Maximize Your Thanksgiving Break MCAT Self Prep 3 Ways to Maximize Your Thanksgiving Break MCAT Self Prep 3 Ways to Maximize Your Thanksgiving Break MCAT Self Prep 3 Ways to Maximize Your Thanksgiving Break MCAT Self Prep